- Type: Public
- Address: 12079 Coronado Dr
- City: Spring Hill
- County: Hernando
- State: Florida
- Zip: 34609
- Call to Book Tee Time: (352) 683-2261
Let's take a look at Spring Hill Golf Course. This course was built in 1969 in Spring Hill. David Wallace designed this 18 hole course. Metal spikes are not allowed at Spring Hill Golf Course. This course is open to the general public. If you want to find the course using GPS the longitude is -82.524001 and the latitude is 28.467457.

Golf Course Information
- Number of Holes: 18
- Year Course Built: 1969
- Course Designer: David Wallace
- Location Time Zone: EST
- Daylight Savings Time: yes
- Season Availability: Open all year
- Latitude: 28.467457
- Longitude: -82.524001
- Metal Spikes Allowed: no
- Play Fives: yes
- Guest Policy Rules: Open
- Dress Code Policy: Collared shirt, no cutoffs, denim OK
ID: 12458