Use "Whoosh Drill" to Hit Longer Drives (Video) - by Pete Styles
Use "Whoosh Drill" to Hit Longer Drives (Video) - by Pete Styles

Here's a great little exercise for you that not only helps you create more club head speed, but helps you feel, understand, and hear where your club head speed is the most.

We're going to call it the whoosh drill. We're going to take your golf club and spin it upside down. We're going to go ahead and make a few swings with it now, and feel where the speed of the golf club comes from and you can really hear the whooshing sound that golf club made.

Now, if I go ahead and make my swing in the wrong place, you might hear the whoosh starts a bit earlier on in my down swing. I don't want the whoosh to happen at this point. I want to be storing up power and hearing the whoosh happen at and through impact, so it's quieter and then louder at this point.

If I then make my swing in a normal place, you'll hear the whoosh again, but I want to hear the whoosh as and after I hit the golf ball. If I correctly sequence my golf swing and my body movements, I can create the power but not releasing the power too early, but holding it longer into the golf ball. So as I create my power in the back swing, I store my power in the down swing, moving my hips across nicely and opening up my chest as well, but not yet releasing my hands. I'm saving the power there until the last minute, extending my body and my arms for impact, that's where the whoosh happens through the impact area, chasing the golf ball down the target line, and finishing with a nice, big full-finish position. Use the whoosh drill to help you hit the ball further and straighter.


Here's a great little exercise for you that not only helps you create more club head speed, but helps you feel, understand, and hear where your club head speed is the most.

We're going to call it the whoosh drill. We're going to take your golf club and spin it upside down. We're going to go ahead and make a few swings with it now, and feel where the speed of the golf club comes from and you can really hear the whooshing sound that golf club made.

Now, if I go ahead and make my swing in the wrong place, you might hear the whoosh starts a bit earlier on in my down swing. I don't want the whoosh to happen at this point. I want to be storing up power and hearing the whoosh happen at and through impact, so it's quieter and then louder at this point.

If I then make my swing in a normal place, you'll hear the whoosh again, but I want to hear the whoosh as and after I hit the golf ball. If I correctly sequence my golf swing and my body movements, I can create the power but not releasing the power too early, but holding it longer into the golf ball. So as I create my power in the back swing, I store my power in the down swing, moving my hips across nicely and opening up my chest as well, but not yet releasing my hands. I'm saving the power there until the last minute, extending my body and my arms for impact, that's where the whoosh happens through the impact area, chasing the golf ball down the target line, and finishing with a nice, big full-finish position. Use the whoosh drill to help you hit the ball further and straighter.