How Light Should Your Golf Grip To Be (Video) - by Pete Styles
How Light Should Your Golf Grip To Be (Video) - by Pete Styles Pete Styles â?? PGA Teaching Pro Pete Styles – PGA Teaching Pro

When we talk about the consideration of grip pressure we work on that most golfers grip the club to tightly. Very few golfers grip it to loosely, unless they have been drilled into them lighter, lighter, lighter then the grip it too light. So this exercise is going to teach you how light should you be holding the golf club but also how light is too light if we imagine great pressure is on a scale of one to 11 being literally letting the golf club fall lots of fingers and 10 outs of tiny school easing as tightly as you can in strangling it. Well I'd like to consider as you go to the range with the way you hold the club with your normal grip pressure and trying to number. So hold on to the club feel what number that might be on that one to 10 scale and say OK well that's a 6 out of 10, and then go ahead and hit some shots with a 5 out of 10. So you hold the club lightly and he just starts off with a wage $5060.00 yard shots just pitching the ball forwards and then do 5 out of 10 and then grip it lights into 4 out of 10 grip that light is still 3 to 1. Now as you go down the scale will become a point where you feel like you're no longer in control of the club or you feel like the club is swinging itself up here when you don't have control of the face down here when you don't have control of where you finish the club in the fall of 3.

That's the point where you can understand OK now my grip pressure is too light I've taken this concept of light and pressure and I've gone too far. So that point you can go, and hold a long number higher than what you deem to be too light and that I think it's going to be a good grip pressure for your swing. So you're pitching in you'll be dialing in play as you then go through you'll see along the way woods and drive I would consider your grip pressure should quite naturally just increase a little bit. Simply because you're swinging the club harder you having to apply more power and at the point of impact that comes traveling quicker it will need more grip pressure you can imagine this like if you hold the golf club quite loosely and somebody came in grab the end and if they pulled it gently you just hang on to a bit tighter and if they really started to hold on to even tighter your grip pressure increases due to the way tall falls. On the other end of the club and it's almost an instinctive thing that you hold it loosely when it doesn't weigh much and you hold it tight when it gets pulled same in the goal swing if we're just hitting little chip shots we might have a 3 out of 10 grip pressure if we're setting up to hit a big drive and we're in the golf 3 quite aggressively we're probably going to grip that club more tightly 6 or 7 out of time. So let your grip pressure develop but understand how lights used to like tenaciously on them build it up through the rest of your clips from the.


Pete Styles â?? PGA Teaching Pro Pete Styles – PGA Teaching Pro

When we talk about the consideration of grip pressure we work on that most golfers grip the club to tightly. Very few golfers grip it to loosely, unless they have been drilled into them lighter, lighter, lighter then the grip it too light. So this exercise is going to teach you how light should you be holding the golf club but also how light is too light if we imagine great pressure is on a scale of one to 11 being literally letting the golf club fall lots of fingers and 10 outs of tiny school easing as tightly as you can in strangling it. Well I'd like to consider as you go to the range with the way you hold the club with your normal grip pressure and trying to number. So hold on to the club feel what number that might be on that one to 10 scale and say OK well that's a 6 out of 10, and then go ahead and hit some shots with a 5 out of 10. So you hold the club lightly and he just starts off with a wage $5060.00 yard shots just pitching the ball forwards and then do 5 out of 10 and then grip it lights into 4 out of 10 grip that light is still 3 to 1. Now as you go down the scale will become a point where you feel like you're no longer in control of the club or you feel like the club is swinging itself up here when you don't have control of the face down here when you don't have control of where you finish the club in the fall of 3.

That's the point where you can understand OK now my grip pressure is too light I've taken this concept of light and pressure and I've gone too far. So that point you can go, and hold a long number higher than what you deem to be too light and that I think it's going to be a good grip pressure for your swing. So you're pitching in you'll be dialing in play as you then go through you'll see along the way woods and drive I would consider your grip pressure should quite naturally just increase a little bit. Simply because you're swinging the club harder you having to apply more power and at the point of impact that comes traveling quicker it will need more grip pressure you can imagine this like if you hold the golf club quite loosely and somebody came in grab the end and if they pulled it gently you just hang on to a bit tighter and if they really started to hold on to even tighter your grip pressure increases due to the way tall falls. On the other end of the club and it's almost an instinctive thing that you hold it loosely when it doesn't weigh much and you hold it tight when it gets pulled same in the goal swing if we're just hitting little chip shots we might have a 3 out of 10 grip pressure if we're setting up to hit a big drive and we're in the golf 3 quite aggressively we're probably going to grip that club more tightly 6 or 7 out of time. So let your grip pressure develop but understand how lights used to like tenaciously on them build it up through the rest of your clips from the.