Grip Pressure Techniques In The Short Game To Improve Your Golf (Video) - by Pete Styles
Grip Pressure Techniques In The Short Game To Improve Your Golf (Video) - by Pete Styles

Golfers are often aware that the way they grip the club is important to their game, and also the way they grip the club in terms of the pressure of the type the tension the tightness they hold so golfers are aware of this. So why is it so often that when I watch them play a short game shots particularly in parts the grip pressure is just increasing and increasing?


Golfers are often aware that the way they grip the club is important to their game, and also the way they grip the club in terms of the pressure of the type the tension the tightness they hold so golfers are aware of this. So why is it so often that when I watch them play a short game shots particularly in parts the grip pressure is just increasing and increasing?