What Do You Stand To Gain From A Compact Golf Swing (Video) - by Pete Styles
What Do You Stand To Gain From A Compact Golf Swing (Video) - by Pete Styles

If you are now trying to progress this more compact golf swing, so we've got the right elbow nice and low, shoulders working into the back swing, quiet feet and quiet legs into the downswing. If that's now a feature of what you're trying to do, let's see what are the benefits, why we are going to make this change and even how that’s going to actually improve your golf. One of the first consideration should be the extra consistency that you should get. Now consistency is a big word for golfers. We like consistency. We want a lot of consistency. We want the ball to go a consistent height, a consistent distance with a consistent strike, in a consistent direction.

So the more repeatable your goal swing can be, time and time again on the range, time and time again on the golf course with every club in the bag. The more consistent you are, the better you're going to be as a golfer. Now particularly noticeable for golfers that have compact swings is they tend to have quite a tight dispersion. Dispersion is this idea of when we hit ten balls, what's the corridor going to look like in terms of where we've hit the ball to. We want to try and get like that corridor, that funnel to be as narrow as possible. We want a nice tight dispersion. There's no point as a golfer hitting three or four shots straight down the middle, and one over that, three or four more down the middle and one over there. Because the two that go shooting offline left or right are probably going to cost us as many as the straight ones have gained us, potential lost balls, in-hazards, penalty shots. So we want a nice tight dispersion where we're hitting all of our shots into a nice tight funnel. And definitely a compact right elbow position with a nice quiet footed downswing, that compact swing should encourage us to hit into that tighter funnel. Now one last thing that we might see with the compact golf swing is actually a little bit more control of the spin of the ball. Because the consistency of the swing and the compact nature of it should encourage us to hit the middle of the clubface more regularly. We should be getting a better quality of spin on the ball because we're getting a better quality of strike. So that should be a nice controlled amount of back spin on every single ball, potentially more backspin than if you are thinning one and if you are fattening one. But every shot hitting the center of the clubface should be flying the right distance, the right trajectory and with the correct amount of spin on it. Now that all sounds pretty positive, more consistency tied to dispersion, the right control of the right amount of spin. Their good reasons why learning a compact goal swing could be something you should consider.

If you are now trying to progress this more compact golf swing, so we've got the right elbow nice and low, shoulders working into the back swing, quiet feet and quiet legs into the downswing. If that's now a feature of what you're trying to do, let's see what are the benefits, why we are going to make this change and even how that’s going to actually improve your golf. One of the first consideration should be the extra consistency that you should get. Now consistency is a big word for golfers. We like consistency. We want a lot of consistency. We want the ball to go a consistent height, a consistent distance with a consistent strike, in a consistent direction.

So the more repeatable your goal swing can be, time and time again on the range, time and time again on the golf course with every club in the bag. The more consistent you are, the better you're going to be as a golfer. Now particularly noticeable for golfers that have compact swings is they tend to have quite a tight dispersion. Dispersion is this idea of when we hit ten balls, what's the corridor going to look like in terms of where we've hit the ball to. We want to try and get like that corridor, that funnel to be as narrow as possible. We want a nice tight dispersion. There's no point as a golfer hitting three or four shots straight down the middle, and one over that, three or four more down the middle and one over there.

Because the two that go shooting offline left or right are probably going to cost us as many as the straight ones have gained us, potential lost balls, in-hazards, penalty shots. So we want a nice tight dispersion where we're hitting all of our shots into a nice tight funnel. And definitely a compact right elbow position with a nice quiet footed downswing, that compact swing should encourage us to hit into that tighter funnel. Now one last thing that we might see with the compact golf swing is actually a little bit more control of the spin of the ball. Because the consistency of the swing and the compact nature of it should encourage us to hit the middle of the clubface more regularly.

We should be getting a better quality of spin on the ball because we're getting a better quality of strike. So that should be a nice controlled amount of back spin on every single ball, potentially more backspin than if you are thinning one and if you are fattening one. But every shot hitting the center of the clubface should be flying the right distance, the right trajectory and with the correct amount of spin on it. Now that all sounds pretty positive, more consistency tied to dispersion, the right control of the right amount of spin. Their good reasons why learning a compact goal swing could be something you should consider.