Right Hand Golf Tip: Best Way's to Hit Consistent Golf Shots (Video) - by Peter Finch
Right Hand Golf Tip: Best Way's to Hit Consistent Golf Shots (Video) - by Peter Finch

How can a right handed golfer achieve more consistency throughout a golf round? Use a consistent setup, consistent posture. This will give you more of a consistent golf swing which will lead to a consistent shot, getting the lowest score results. It’s something you see in all the best players they are able to produce consistent results week after week after week and this is something you will need to do if you want to do drop your handicap and become a much better player. Now consistency starts with a consistent setup which means a neutral grip and a nice solid posture.


How can a right handed golfer achieve more consistency throughout a golf round? Use a consistent setup, consistent posture. This will give you more of a consistent golf swing which will lead to a consistent shot, getting the lowest score results. It’s something you see in all the best players they are able to produce consistent results week after week after week and this is something you will need to do if you want to do drop your handicap and become a much better player. Now consistency starts with a consistent setup which means a neutral grip and a nice solid posture.