Ladies Two-Tee Golf Drill For Added Driver Distance (Video) - by Natalie Adams
Ladies Two-Tee Golf Drill For Added Driver Distance (Video) - by Natalie Adams Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

In this golf swing video we are going to look at how to get used to an added distance to your drives. And the way we are going to do that sis to use this Two-Tee drill. So what you want to do is you want to set up ready to hit your golf ball from your Tee pad to do that make sure that the ball is going to be opposite your left big toe, you want to set your club head to the right of the ball and then make sure you set your hands over the top of the club head. So over the crown of the club head, so instead of having your hands opposite the ball just let your hands come back to this over the club head. Now set your head just to the right of your hand position and you should feel that you are back behind the ball and you’ve got slightly more weight on your right side for this shot. So when we are doing this Two-Tee peg drill we are going to go from that position and we are going to put another tee peg above a foot in front of the ball that you would hit. Now I’m not placing the ball on the tee peg at the moment I’m just going to practice swinging through and the idea is to hit both tee pegs.

So what this drill is going to get you to do one ensure that you’ve get your set up position with the ball inside the left foot of the left big toe you’ve got your hands over the crown of the club and your head just to the right of your hands, going to really work on making a good shoulder turn so a really big turn with your upper body and your shoulders and that as you swing back in you’re going to work on bringing the club down. And so the club head strikes the first tee peg and then goes in to the second tee peg as well. And that’s really going to help you extend your right arm through the golf shots. So as you are doing that as you swing in to this drill your right arm will stay tucked in to your body and as you approach the golf ball your right arm will then act as a lever and really extend that lever out to get maximum speed in to the club head. And the more speed you get in to that club head the further you are going to hit your golf ball. So have a go at doing that work on hitting the Two-Tee pegs you’ll find that as you swing through because you are extending your right arm to make sure you hit the second Tee peg you are really releasing that lever and delivering a lot of club head speed back to the ball you should see that it really adds a lot of yardage to your drives and then you can hit your driver a lot further when you are out on the golf course.

Natalie Adams - PGA Teaching Pro Natalie Adams – PGA Teaching Pro

In this golf swing video we are going to look at how to get used to an added distance to your drives. And the way we are going to do that sis to use this Two-Tee drill. So what you want to do is you want to set up ready to hit your golf ball from your Tee pad to do that make sure that the ball is going to be opposite your left big toe, you want to set your club head to the right of the ball and then make sure you set your hands over the top of the club head. So over the crown of the club head, so instead of having your hands opposite the ball just let your hands come back to this over the club head. Now set your head just to the right of your hand position and you should feel that you are back behind the ball and you’ve got slightly more weight on your right side for this shot. So when we are doing this Two-Tee peg drill we are going to go from that position and we are going to put another tee peg above a foot in front of the ball that you would hit. Now I’m not placing the ball on the tee peg at the moment I’m just going to practice swinging through and the idea is to hit both tee pegs.

So what this drill is going to get you to do one ensure that you’ve get your set up position with the ball inside the left foot of the left big toe you’ve got your hands over the crown of the club and your head just to the right of your hands, going to really work on making a good shoulder turn so a really big turn with your upper body and your shoulders and that as you swing back in you’re going to work on bringing the club down. And so the club head strikes the first tee peg and then goes in to the second tee peg as well. And that’s really going to help you extend your right arm through the golf shots. So as you are doing that as you swing in to this drill your right arm will stay tucked in to your body and as you approach the golf ball your right arm will then act as a lever and really extend that lever out to get maximum speed in to the club head. And the more speed you get in to that club head the further you are going to hit your golf ball. So have a go at doing that work on hitting the Two-Tee pegs you’ll find that as you swing through because you are extending your right arm to make sure you hit the second Tee peg you are really releasing that lever and delivering a lot of club head speed back to the ball you should see that it really adds a lot of yardage to your drives and then you can hit your driver a lot further when you are out on the golf course.