Why You Should Hit Down On The Golf Ball (Video) - by Pete Styles
Why You Should Hit Down On The Golf Ball (Video) - by Pete Styles

So generally speaking when we look at the golf with the irons we’ve established now that we should be striking down on the ball and that’s going to create lift and that’s going to hit the golf ball up in the air and there’s enough backspin on the irons to fly the ball into the sky. Now for a lot of golfers they don’t have a problem yet on those irons in the air, on optimizing the distance those irons should be going unless we look in the golfer’s bag and may be look at a three and four iron and ideally why we don’t use the one and two iron is they weren’t creating enough spin in going high enough.

But some golfers still struggle with the driver for those same reasons. They are not creating enough spin; they are not hitting the ball high enough. So actually we need to look at how much spin do we need and how much club head speed should we be generating for the perfect partnership. Now most tour professionals are going to use a slightly lower lofted driver than the average club golfer and that’s suited certainly be the case. Now for most amateurs they don’t use enough loft anyway. They get too close to a professional setup in terms of the club and they don’t understand that that’s actually killing them for distance. So a professional golfer may be swinging the golf club over a 120 miles an hour in terms of how fast the club enters the impact zone and hits the golf ball at 120 miles an hour or more. Therefore, that’s going to hit the ball at may be 190 miles an hour of ball speed, 190 that ball’s going to leave pretty leave quickly anyway. That ball then fly off at nine or ten degrees and it doesn’t need a great deal of backspin to keep it in the air. It’s going to go on that trajectory, it’s going to stay on that trajectory, 2,000 revs of backspin will keep that ball in the air for long enough and give it a nice rainbow flight. In fact, too much spin it will sky up into the air and stall and come down too short. Too little spin, it’ll nosedive a bit too early, but around about 2,000 revs of spin is going to give the optimal launch. Now for a club golfer who is swinging the club let’s say at 90 miles an hour, maybe that’s the average I’ve measured for most club golfers swinging at 90 miles an hour, launching it at the same time may be 11 degrees because they got a bit more loft on the driver. They require a lot more backspin to keep that ball airborne, 2,000 revs of spin at 90 miles an hour will fall out of the sky far too early. It will look like it’s top spinning, of course it isn’t top spinning, don’t get me wrong, of course it’s back spinning, it’s just not back spinning enough so it will nosedive. Actually for a club golfer 90 miles an hour they need a lot more backspin so therefore, need lot more loft, more loft, more striking down. They can then spin that ball high up into the air and keep that ball flying and climbing. So if you are hitting balls with your driver and you are getting a bit frustrated that you don’t feel like you’re optimizing the distance of your shots, just may be consider whether you’ve got the right amount of loft to keep that ball in the air with the right amount of backspin for long enough. Go and get yourself professionally custom fit and see whether your driver is suitable for how you strike down on the golf ball.

So generally speaking when we look at the golf with the irons we’ve established now that we should be striking down on the ball and that’s going to create lift and that’s going to hit the golf ball up in the air and there’s enough backspin on the irons to fly the ball into the sky. Now for a lot of golfers they don’t have a problem yet on those irons in the air, on optimizing the distance those irons should be going unless we look in the golfer’s bag and may be look at a three and four iron and ideally why we don’t use the one and two iron is they weren’t creating enough spin in going high enough.

But some golfers still struggle with the driver for those same reasons. They are not creating enough spin; they are not hitting the ball high enough. So actually we need to look at how much spin do we need and how much club head speed should we be generating for the perfect partnership. Now most tour professionals are going to use a slightly lower lofted driver than the average club golfer and that’s suited certainly be the case. Now for most amateurs they don’t use enough loft anyway. They get too close to a professional setup in terms of the club and they don’t understand that that’s actually killing them for distance.

So a professional golfer may be swinging the golf club over a 120 miles an hour in terms of how fast the club enters the impact zone and hits the golf ball at 120 miles an hour or more. Therefore, that’s going to hit the ball at may be 190 miles an hour of ball speed, 190 that ball’s going to leave pretty leave quickly anyway.

That ball then fly off at nine or ten degrees and it doesn’t need a great deal of backspin to keep it in the air. It’s going to go on that trajectory, it’s going to stay on that trajectory, 2,000 revs of backspin will keep that ball in the air for long enough and give it a nice rainbow flight. In fact, too much spin it will sky up into the air and stall and come down too short. Too little spin, it’ll nosedive a bit too early, but around about 2,000 revs of spin is going to give the optimal launch.

Now for a club golfer who is swinging the club let’s say at 90 miles an hour, maybe that’s the average I’ve measured for most club golfers swinging at 90 miles an hour, launching it at the same time may be 11 degrees because they got a bit more loft on the driver. They require a lot more backspin to keep that ball airborne, 2,000 revs of spin at 90 miles an hour will fall out of the sky far too early. It will look like it’s top spinning, of course it isn’t top spinning, don’t get me wrong, of course it’s back spinning, it’s just not back spinning enough so it will nosedive.

Actually for a club golfer 90 miles an hour they need a lot more backspin so therefore, need lot more loft, more loft, more striking down. They can then spin that ball high up into the air and keep that ball flying and climbing. So if you are hitting balls with your driver and you are getting a bit frustrated that you don’t feel like you’re optimizing the distance of your shots, just may be consider whether you’ve got the right amount of loft to keep that ball in the air with the right amount of backspin for long enough. Go and get yourself professionally custom fit and see whether your driver is suitable for how you strike down on the golf ball.