Right Hand Golf Tip: How to Set Up with the Correct Golf Ball Position (Video) - by Peter Finch
Right Hand Golf Tip: How to Set Up with the Correct Golf Ball Position (Video) - by Peter Finch

One of the best ways to any setup routine is to have a correct golf ball position one that is good for the club that you actually using. Now you can, in some ways you can have a constant right hand ball position, or your ball position can actually change in your stance. There are two ways to actually go about getting the best ball position each one will work but it needs to be a correct match to the club that you re actually using.


One of the best ways to any setup routine is to have a correct golf ball position one that is good for the club that you actually using. Now you can, in some ways you can have a constant right hand ball position, or your ball position can actually change in your stance. There are two ways to actually go about getting the best ball position each one will work but it needs to be a correct match to the club that you re actually using.