Simplify Your Golf Swing Mechanics (Video) - by Pete Styles
Simplify Your Golf Swing Mechanics (Video) - by Pete Styles

Come slightly to the right. There is a couple of really key fundamentals that are going to help you to control the low point of your swing. We’ve just discussed how important that low point is. But how can we control it? Or what are the issues that we see for golfers that can’t control it? One of the first concerns I think would be swaying off the ball. By swaying off the ball in the back swing we really feel like we lose control of our body weight and certainly our lateral positioning of our body weight.

So, swaying to the right-hand side for the right-handed golfer here, brings way too much body weight over the back foot and then it’s very difficult to get back forwards again to get a good strike. A golfer that sways off the ball will often feel the low point is way too far back behind the ball. So, we have the nice setup, then we have a sway off the ball, then we hit the ground far too far behind the ball, so controlling your lateral body weight position and avoiding your sway will definitely help you in a better position to control the low point of your swing. Otherwise it would be controlling the length of your back swing and controlling the position of your left leg. I think these are quite often related positions. So, if we make a swing that’s too long bring the club back here too far around, the club goes too far around the hip, the knee, the heel all get too far around in this position, a golfer here is generally going to be varying consistent in terms of the quality of that ball striking. There are also exceptions to this, but a lot of golfers that have this left foot moving will encourage the sway too longer swing, left heel comes up in and there are lots of things related to each other here, it’s going to cause you some problems in your swing.   So, simplifying your goal swing is one of the easiest ways of accurately striking the ground and the low point in the right place. So, a nice setup position, a slightly shorter backswing, certainly less movement on the left side, less swing to the right, that should encourage you to be in a good position for a better down strike, better balance and turn through the ball. If you can control your low point, you can much improve your ball striking and improve your entire golf game.

Come slightly to the right. There is a couple of really key fundamentals that are going to help you to control the low point of your swing. We’ve just discussed how important that low point is. But how can we control it? Or what are the issues that we see for golfers that can’t control it? One of the first concerns I think would be swaying off the ball. By swaying off the ball in the back swing we really feel like we lose control of our body weight and certainly our lateral positioning of our body weight.

So, swaying to the right-hand side for the right-handed golfer here, brings way too much body weight over the back foot and then it’s very difficult to get back forwards again to get a good strike. A golfer that sways off the ball will often feel the low point is way too far back behind the ball. So, we have the nice setup, then we have a sway off the ball, then we hit the ground far too far behind the ball, so controlling your lateral body weight position and avoiding your sway will definitely help you in a better position to control the low point of your swing.

Otherwise it would be controlling the length of your back swing and controlling the position of your left leg. I think these are quite often related positions. So, if we make a swing that’s too long bring the club back here too far around, the club goes too far around the hip, the knee, the heel all get too far around in this position, a golfer here is generally going to be varying consistent in terms of the quality of that ball striking. There are also exceptions to this, but a lot of golfers that have this left foot moving will encourage the sway too longer swing, left heel comes up in and there are lots of things related to each other here, it’s going to cause you some problems in your swing.
So, simplifying your goal swing is one of the easiest ways of accurately striking the ground and the low point in the right place. So, a nice setup position, a slightly shorter backswing, certainly less movement on the left side, less swing to the right, that should encourage you to be in a good position for a better down strike, better balance and turn through the ball. If you can control your low point, you can much improve your ball striking and improve your entire golf game.