Shift Your Centre Of Mass In Your Golf Swing Drills - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer
Shift Your Centre Of Mass In Your Golf Swing Drills - (Video) Lesson by PGA Pros Pete Styles and Matt Fryer

Shifting your centre of mass is an important aspect of the golf swing as controlling where your body weight is during the golf swing can affect strike, direction and how much power you have to hit the golf ball with. In this video tip PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will explain how loading the body weight to be instep of the rear leg, to allow an efficient drive forward of the body weight to the front leg during the start of the downswing, is the best exercise for you to generate an efficient movement of the mass of your body during the golf swing.

There's a topic I'd like to cover today with this video with Matthew here and it's going to be about the hip bump right. Now I quite like the concept of bumping the hips in the golf swing some people misunderstand when that happens how that happens and quite importantly why that happens yeah. So to my mind the hip bump is an integral part of transition in part of changing the golf swing in between a backswing and downswing and I think for a lot of golfers activating a really conscious hit bump can be quite important.

Sometimes when you see the world's best players you don't necessarily isolate that one part of the swing because it happens incredibly quickly yeah. So Matt when you're looking at this camera here and you go ahead and take a set up I'd like to show you what I hip bump should looks like if you slightly exaggerated it. Yeah you know you say is that a bit of transition from the backswing into down swing and we see the you know the best players in the world doing repeatedly in the golf swings and it is something that we need in a lot of amateurs you know lack this motion.


Shifting your centre of mass is an important aspect of the golf swing as controlling where your body weight is during the golf swing can affect strike, direction and how much power you have to hit the golf ball with. In this video tip PGA professionals Pete Styles and Matt Fryer will explain how loading the body weight to be instep of the rear leg, to allow an efficient drive forward of the body weight to the front leg during the start of the downswing, is the best exercise for you to generate an efficient movement of the mass of your body during the golf swing.

There's a topic I'd like to cover today with this video with Matthew here and it's going to be about the hip bump right. Now I quite like the concept of bumping the hips in the golf swing some people misunderstand when that happens how that happens and quite importantly why that happens yeah. So to my mind the hip bump is an integral part of transition in part of changing the golf swing in between a backswing and downswing and I think for a lot of golfers activating a really conscious hit bump can be quite important.

Sometimes when you see the world's best players you don't necessarily isolate that one part of the swing because it happens incredibly quickly yeah. So Matt when you're looking at this camera here and you go ahead and take a set up I'd like to show you what I hip bump should looks like if you slightly exaggerated it. Yeah you know you say is that a bit of transition from the backswing into down swing and we see the you know the best players in the world doing repeatedly in the golf swings and it is something that we need in a lot of amateurs you know lack this motion.