Flat Palms Key to Proper Putting Grip - Golf (Video) - Lesson by PGA Pro Pete Styles
Flat Palms Key to Proper Putting Grip - Golf (Video) - Lesson by PGA Pro Pete Styles

So as we’ve discussed there’s lots of different ways for you to actually hold the putter. But one crucial thing that we’d like to see throughout most of the putting grips is the idea that we have flat palms that both palms face each other and therefore face sort of parallel or perpendicular to the target line. So as I take my grip here, I get my hands on the grip and I got 2 fingers pointing down, they’re not linking together like they would be in normal golfer’s grip. And I was like unlock my fingers from that position and point them straight down at the floor, my palms now face each other and that’s quite a good position to be and they’re both square to target line. If I had a grip where I had one hand underneath a bit too much and I unlock my fingers there, you can see my palms don’t face each other, in this one particularly not square parallel to target line.

So here’s a good little tip for you when you’re practicing your putting is take a standard ruler or something like this that’s got 2 flat edges. Place your hands flat against the ruler, move them to position and then just close the fingers around and you should feel that your palms are still square at the target. If that doesn’t feel comfortable maybe consider how your hands have been sitting on your normal putt grip. Even if you’re cross handed and you hold the club this way around, you should still have your palms to target and then playing to the back of the left hand down the target line. So the good tip next time you’re checking your putting grip, flat palms facing the target then go ahead and build your putting grip around that idea. And that would mean that your hands want to rotate unless you’re in the putting stroke, meaning the club facing square and more balls roll towards the target.


So as we’ve discussed there’s lots of different ways for you to actually hold the putter. But one crucial thing that we’d like to see throughout most of the putting grips is the idea that we have flat palms that both palms face each other and therefore face sort of parallel or perpendicular to the target line. So as I take my grip here, I get my hands on the grip and I got 2 fingers pointing down, they’re not linking together like they would be in normal golfer’s grip. And I was like unlock my fingers from that position and point them straight down at the floor, my palms now face each other and that’s quite a good position to be and they’re both square to target line. If I had a grip where I had one hand underneath a bit too much and I unlock my fingers there, you can see my palms don’t face each other, in this one particularly not square parallel to target line.

So here’s a good little tip for you when you’re practicing your putting is take a standard ruler or something like this that’s got 2 flat edges. Place your hands flat against the ruler, move them to position and then just close the fingers around and you should feel that your palms are still square at the target. If that doesn’t feel comfortable maybe consider how your hands have been sitting on your normal putt grip. Even if you’re cross handed and you hold the club this way around, you should still have your palms to target and then playing to the back of the left hand down the target line. So the good tip next time you’re checking your putting grip, flat palms facing the target then go ahead and build your putting grip around that idea. And that would mean that your hands want to rotate unless you’re in the putting stroke, meaning the club facing square and more balls roll towards the target.