What are the Correct Stances for Different Golf Clubs? (Video) - by Pete Styles
What are the Correct Stances for Different Golf Clubs? (Video) - by Pete Styles

So we all know that a good golfer is going to be adept at using all the different clubs in the bag. And we want to try and use a fairly similar swing for all those clubs but one thing that does change is the setup and particularly the stance on ball position. So here is a quick guide of how we can use three different stances for three different clubs. Initially here I have just got a wedge, so I’m going to play the ball exactly in the center of my feet and hopefully the white line down the middle of the cross here will show that, that ball is exactly at the center of my feet. My stance is relatively narrow certainly for some of the clubs I’m going to use in a minute it’s around about hip with the parts and I’m making a nice neutral grip and the handle is going to point to my left hip position. And that’s a good stance for using with a wedge. ball central feet are going to be hip with the part, now as I move on to a mid iron I have got a seven iron here, this time I’m going to keep the ball on the white line but I’m going to shuffle across a little bit so now you can see the white line is nicely ahead of center. And as a general rule I would like to see that ball move forward about half an inch per club so from the wedge to the nine to the eight to the seven it’s an inch and a half ahead of centre as it is there.

My stance just widens out a little bit and now it just come to shoulder with the parts. We’ve gone from hips, we are now at shoulders, shoulder with the part. I’ll take a good neutral grip again and again the handle points at my left hip. So with the wedge the handle was quite a long way ahead of the ball now it’s a little bit ahead of the ball not quite lovely yet but just a little bit ahead. And that’s a good stance there for a seven iron ball position or mid iron. Moving onwards again this time I’m going to take my driver the longest club in the bag. Now if I follow the same principle of half an inch per club going through the bag I actually find a position with the driver where the ball is almost touching my left instep, as a right handed golfer is right up against my front instep. My feet stance and my foot stance now, is now wider than my shoulder, this is got a little bit wider for each club and now it’s quite a broad stance that really maximizes power, stability and balance during the swing. As I set the club behind the ball the handle will still point at my left hip so each time I had a club the handle pointed at my left hip but now with my driver because my ball position is forwards the handle is not ahead of the ball anymore its level if not slightly behind the golf ball. So it’s quite a big difference for each individual club as we move through the bag. So far I can set up each club together, we are about there, they all point at my left hip but the ball position changes back and back the each club and also my stance will get narrower for the wedge and the seven as well. So practice when you are on the driving range changing clubs and changing your stance to accommodate the right club.

So we all know that a good golfer is going to be adept at using all the different clubs in the bag. And we want to try and use a fairly similar swing for all those clubs but one thing that does change is the setup and particularly the stance on ball position. So here is a quick guide of how we can use three different stances for three different clubs. Initially here I have just got a wedge, so I’m going to play the ball exactly in the center of my feet and hopefully the white line down the middle of the cross here will show that, that ball is exactly at the center of my feet. My stance is relatively narrow certainly for some of the clubs I’m going to use in a minute it’s around about hip with the parts and I’m making a nice neutral grip and the handle is going to point to my left hip position. And that’s a good stance for using with a wedge. ball central feet are going to be hip with the part, now as I move on to a mid iron I have got a seven iron here, this time I’m going to keep the ball on the white line but I’m going to shuffle across a little bit so now you can see the white line is nicely ahead of center. And as a general rule I would like to see that ball move forward about half an inch per club so from the wedge to the nine to the eight to the seven it’s an inch and a half ahead of centre as it is there.

My stance just widens out a little bit and now it just come to shoulder with the parts. We’ve gone from hips, we are now at shoulders, shoulder with the part. I’ll take a good neutral grip again and again the handle points at my left hip. So with the wedge the handle was quite a long way ahead of the ball now it’s a little bit ahead of the ball not quite lovely yet but just a little bit ahead. And that’s a good stance there for a seven iron ball position or mid iron. Moving onwards again this time I’m going to take my driver the longest club in the bag. Now if I follow the same principle of half an inch per club going through the bag I actually find a position with the driver where the ball is almost touching my left instep, as a right handed golfer is right up against my front instep. My feet stance and my foot stance now, is now wider than my shoulder, this is got a little bit wider for each club and now it’s quite a broad stance that really maximizes power, stability and balance during the swing. As I set the club behind the ball the handle will still point at my left hip so each time I had a club the handle pointed at my left hip but now with my driver because my ball position is forwards the handle is not ahead of the ball anymore its level if not slightly behind the golf ball. So it’s quite a big difference for each individual club as we move through the bag. So far I can set up each club together, we are about there, they all point at my left hip but the ball position changes back and back the each club and also my stance will get narrower for the wedge and the seven as well. So practice when you are on the driving range changing clubs and changing your stance to accommodate the right club.