Greenside - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles
Greenside - Golf Lessons & Tips (Video) by Pete Styles

Hitting shots around the green side of the golf course is a fundamentally important skill. Chances are you'll get a lot of them unless you'll very good with you'll 2nd shots you're going to miss quite a few greens. Very rarely does a golfer stand there with a 5 iron in a sticky straight into the heart of the green. Quite often the golfer hits that 5 iron quite nicely maybe but it lines just short just long just left just right and then we've got a green side shots and green side shots getting everything from a little bump and run with a 7 iron to a high flop shot with a low wedge to a greenside bunker shots.

So the so many different shots in not area but how many times do people go ahead and practice those shots. Chances are very rarely we stand in the driving range to drive a pounding drive over and over again and yes you're right we get 14 tee shots so maybe you need to spend a bit of time on that. Then you go on the putting green and you hit a few posts and fair enough you do get quite a few putts in a round of golf.


Hitting shots around the green side of the golf course is a fundamentally important skill. Chances are you'll get a lot of them unless you'll very good with you'll 2nd shots you're going to miss quite a few greens. Very rarely does a golfer stand there with a 5 iron in a sticky straight into the heart of the green. Quite often the golfer hits that 5 iron quite nicely maybe but it lines just short just long just left just right and then we've got a green side shots and green side shots getting everything from a little bump and run with a 7 iron to a high flop shot with a low wedge to a greenside bunker shots.

So the so many different shots in not area but how many times do people go ahead and practice those shots. Chances are very rarely we stand in the driving range to drive a pounding drive over and over again and yes you're right we get 14 tee shots so maybe you need to spend a bit of time on that. Then you go on the putting green and you hit a few posts and fair enough you do get quite a few putts in a round of golf.