How Senior Golfers Can Play Their Best Golf Shots From Inside 100 Yards

    Playing your best golf shots from inside 100 yards is quite easy if you have the correct strategy.

    Being able to control the distance that you hit the golf ball when inside 100 yards will really improve your accuracy and as a result of this, it will also lower your golf scores, as you will take fewer shots to get the ball into the hole.

    The best strategy to have for controlling your distance within 100 yards is to create a wedge chart to take on to the golf course with you. To create a wedge chart, play full shots with your pitching wedge. Hit about 10 shots with an even pace, to get an average of how far this swing makes the ball travel. Now note this down on your chart, the club you are using, the swing you are using and the pace you are playing the shot with and the distance this made the ball fly. If this shot does not achieve 100 yards, then do the same with your 9 iron, etc, until you have a 100 yard shot.

    Now go through the same process with your sand iron on a full swing and note the distance of the shot. Also do this with your gap wedge and lob wedge if you carry these in your bag. These are all full swing shots played at a steady pace.

    On your chart you need the club to use, the swing length to play and the pace to play the shot at for 100, 90, 80, 70, 60 yards, etc. Look at the distances achieved with your full swing shots and now begin to work on learning how to achieve the distances between these full shot distances. For example, if a full pitching wedge travels 100 yards with a steady swing, play 10 shots with a three quarter swing firmly and note down the yardage achieved. Now play 10 shots with a three quarter swing again but this time with a more steady pace and note the distance achieved.

    Play pitching wedge shots with a half swing, both firmly and more softly and then move on to your sand iron and any other wedges that you carry, until you know the club, swing length and pace to play the shot with to achieve each 10 yard increment on your wedge chart.

    Once you have completed your chart, take it out on to the golf course the next time you play and once you have worked out the distance required for the shot that you face, using either a yardage book or GPS system, look that distance up on your wedge chart and you will know exactly which club, which swing and which pace to play to achieve that particular distance.