Handle the Heat with Pre-Round Preparation - Golf Tip
While hot weather is generally preferable to cold for playing golf, extreme heat introduces several variables that can hurt your game.


Sweaty palms, for instance, can cause the club to slip in your hands. It’s also easy to get dehydrated and suffer from fatigue and a loss of focus. You may even find that your shots travel a little farther than normal when temperatures are high.


Use this checklist to prepare for golf in the summer sun:

  • Water bottle, sunscreen and cap: While most courses have coolers at designated tee boxes, the little bit of water you get from a tiny cup isn’t nearly enough. Fill a large water bottle (20 oz.) before your round, then refill it as needed while playing. Always apply strong sunscreen (at least 25 SPF) prior to teeing off, and again at the turn if the sun is especially bright. Finally, a wide-brimmed cap will keep harsh sunlight off your face and out of your eyes.
  • Tacky grips: Worn-down grips are useless when your hands get a little moist. In fact, they can actually harm your swing by forcing you to hold the club tighter. Regular golfers should replace their grips at least once a year. When they’re relatively new, a good soap-and-water scrubbing will restore much of the original tack.
  • At least two gloves: If you’ve got just one glove, chances are it will be damp – if not soaked through – by the time you reach the back nine. Alternate gloves every few holes to keep them both dry. It’s a good idea to remove your glove between shots as well.
  • At least two absorbent towels: One for your face and arms, another for your hands and grips. Again, it’s crucial to keep those contact points dry.
  • Lightweight, moisture-wicking clothes: Sweat-absorbing shirts and pants are not only uncomfortable, they may restrict your freedom of motion. Golf apparel made from “technical fabric” is a great investment. Wear light colors (white, beige, yellow), which reflect sunlight rather than drawing it in.
  • Golf-specific sunglasses: For eye health, comfort and to reduce fatigue caused by strain on the eyes. Some manufacturers even claim their shades can improve one’s green-reading acumen.

Update: Handling the heat during a round of golf is crucial for maintaining performance and preventing heat-related health issues. Proper pre-round preparation can significantly impact your ability to cope with hot weather on the course. Here are some valuable tips to help you handle the heat and stay comfortable during your golf rounds:

  1. Hydration is Key: Start hydrating well before your tee time. Drink plenty of water the night before and in the morning before heading to the course. During your round, carry a water bottle and take sips regularly, even if you don't feel thirsty. Dehydration can lead to decreased focus and performance, as well as potential heat-related illnesses.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Wear light-colored, breathable clothing made of moisture-wicking materials. Choose golf apparel designed to keep you cool and comfortable in hot weather. A wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses can also protect you from the sun's rays.
  3. Apply Sunscreen: Protect your skin from harmful UV rays by applying sunscreen with a high SPF rating before heading out to the course. Reapply sunscreen throughout your round, especially if you tend to sweat heavily.
  4. Time Your Tee Off: Try to schedule your tee time earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon when temperatures are milder. Avoid the peak heat of the day, which is usually between 11 am and 3 pm.
  5. Take Advantage of Shade: When possible, seek shade under trees or use umbrellas to shield yourself from direct sunlight during breaks between shots.
  6. Stay Cool with Towels: Wet a small towel with cold water and keep it in your golf bag. Use it to wipe your face, neck, and arms during your round to help cool down.
  7. Snack Wisely: Pack light, refreshing snacks like fruits, nuts, or energy bars to maintain energy levels without feeling weighed down.
  8. Use Cooling Accessories: Some golfers find relief from heat by using cooling towels or neck bands that retain moisture and provide a cooling effect.
  9. Monitor Your Body: Pay attention to how your body is reacting to the heat. If you experience dizziness, cramps, or feel excessively fatigued, take a break in the shade and rehydrate immediately.
  10. Listen to Your Body: If you're feeling overly fatigued or unwell due to the heat, don't hesitate to stop playing and seek medical attention if needed. Your health and safety should always come first.

By preparing properly for hot weather and taking the necessary precautions, you can enjoy your golf rounds more comfortably and perform at your best even in challenging conditions. Remember that staying hydrated, wearing appropriate clothing, and being mindful of your body's signals are essential elements of handling the heat on the golf course.