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Why Do People Say That An Inside Outside Swing Path Is Better For My Golf GameEvery amateur golfer in particular strives for the beautiful high flying draw that takes the ball past their playing partners, but the reality is that the majority of amateurs hit a slice or fade shot. This is when the golf club approaches the ball from an out to in swing path with the club face open to the path.

This swing path is known to give players less distance because the club is cutting across the ball and the club face is open to the path causing the dynamic loft angle at impact to be higher than the clubs original loft, resulting in a higher spin rate causing a less penetrating ball flight. The out to in swing path creates a steeper angle of attack and will also increase the spin rate. Once the player increases the swing speed into the ball, the velocity of the shot creates even more spin causing the ball to go higher into the air and potentially further offline than normal.

These elements combined can create an array of shots such as fat strikes, hooks, blocks or push slices along with the occasional good shots but consistency is much lower.

The positives of an in to out swing path is the distance the ball can travel due to a increased ball speed and penetrating ball flight. The biggest positive for this ball flight is the cleanliness of ball striking it gives a player because even the poor strikes can hit greens or get close.

Bad shots with an in to out swing path would be a push, hook or thin shot. Other than the hook, these shots are detrimental to the game. Thins will at least travel the required distance, as opposed to fat strikes which you get with out to in swing paths. This is not to say that in to out shots cant produce fat strikes, but with the shallower angle of attack, the fat shots are a less common problem for golfers.

Bad shots aside, the workability and reliability of the in to out swing path is much better for all levels of golfer and helps them maximize their distances leaving less club on approach shots to the greens.

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An in to out swing path has a much shallower angle of attack into the ball than that of an out to in swing path. This means the bad shot would be thin rather than fat, however, a fat shot is still a possibility if the player gets too shallow and catches the ground too early.

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An in to out swing path can cause a lower, more penetrating ball flight as less back spin is created during impact, however, the high shot is not an impossibility with some key set up adjustments such as ball position and weight distribution.

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The golf ball stops quickly on the greens relative to the height it came into the green and depending on the club and ball that were used, how it was struck and how much spin was created at impact.

The swing path will not have a direct effect on helping the ball to stop, however, an out to in path does create more back spin and could stop the golf ball faster and more often.