Putting is a critical aspect of the game of golf, and even the best golfers can struggle on the greens from time to time. If you find yourself consistently struggling with your putting, it's likely that you're making some common mistakes that can be addressed and corrected. Here are some of the basic mistakes that bad putters make, along with tips on how to fix them: Help With Golf Putter Alignment

  1. Poor alignment: One of the most common mistakes in putting is poor alignment. Many golfers fail to align themselves properly to the target line, leading to missed putts. To fix this, take the time to align your body and putter face parallel to the target line. Utilize alignment aids or a putter with alignment features to ensure proper alignment.
  2. Inconsistent setup: A consistent setup is essential for consistent putting. Bad putters often have an inconsistent setup, with varying ball positions, hand positions, and posture. Develop a repeatable setup routine that includes proper ball position, relaxed grip pressure, and a consistent posture to ensure a solid foundation for your putting stroke.
  3. Lack of focus and concentration: Putting requires focus and concentration, and bad putters often struggle in this area. Avoid distractions and take the time to visualize the line and speed of your putt before addressing the ball. Maintain a clear and focused mind throughout your putting stroke.
  4. Ineffective distance control: Distance control is crucial for making putts consistently. Bad putters often struggle with speed and fail to leave themselves manageable second putts. Work on developing a smooth and rhythmic stroke that allows for consistent distance control. Practice lag putting to improve your feel for longer putts.
  5. Poor green reading: Misreading the break and slope of the green can lead to missed putts. Take the time to study the green and read the subtle contours and slopes. Pay attention to the grain of the grass, as it can influence the break. Practice reading greens by observing how putts roll and break during practice rounds or when practicing on the practice green.
  6. Overactive or tense hands: Tension in the hands can lead to inconsistent and jerky putting strokes. Bad putters often have overly active or tense hands, which disrupts the smoothness and rhythm of the stroke. Focus on maintaining light grip pressure and allow your arms and shoulders to control the stroke. Use a pendulum-like motion with a relaxed and passive hand and wrist action.
  7. Lack of practice and repetition: Putting is a skill that requires practice and repetition. Bad putters often neglect putting practice or simply don't spend enough time on the greens. Make putting practice a regular part of your routine and dedicate time to work on your stroke, alignment, and distance control. Develop a consistent practice routine that includes drills and exercises to improve your putting skills.
  8. Mental blocks and negative self-talk: Bad putters often struggle with confidence and have negative self-talk that affects their performance. Develop a positive and confident mindset on the greens. Visualize successful putts and use positive affirmations to build confidence. Focus on the process rather than the outcome and trust your abilities.
  9. Lack of adaptability: Putting conditions can vary from course to course and even within a round. Bad putters often struggle to adapt to different green speeds, slopes, and conditions. Pay attention to the characteristics of the greens and make necessary adjustments in your stroke, speed, and read. Adaptability is key to being a consistent putter.
  10. Neglecting pre-shot routine: A solid pre-shot routine is crucial for consistency and confidence on the greens. Bad putters often neglect or rush through their pre-shot routine, leading to inconsistent results. Develop a routine that includes visualizing the putt, aligning yourself properly, and rehearsing the stroke. Stick to your routine for every putt, regardless of the length or difficulty.

By addressing these basic mistakes and implementing the suggested fixes, you can improve your putting performance and become a more confident and consistent putter. Remember that putting is a skill that can be honed with practice and dedication. Focus on the fundamentals, practice with purpose, and maintain a positive mindset, and you'll see significant improvements in your ability to sink putts on the greens.