Top Tips For Watching Golf Pros Chip (Video) - by Pete Styles
Top Tips For Watching Golf Pros Chip (Video) - by Pete Styles

If you are like me and you ever watching the T.V. and you watch in the golf pro's play the P.G.A. Tour European tour. You can go into this routine of almost expecting perfection from them off the tee expect them to hit three hundred yards down the fairway iron shots expecting to go on the green and certainly when they're around the green the level of expectation is raised even further.


If you are like me and you ever watching the T.V. and you watch in the golf pro's play the P.G.A. Tour European tour. You can go into this routine of almost expecting perfection from them off the tee expect them to hit three hundred yards down the fairway iron shots expecting to go on the green and certainly when they're around the green the level of expectation is raised even further.