Thomas Golf custom made long putters have become increasingly popular with both amateurs and pros over the last few years. The long putting style is helpful for golfers who have back pain when they bend over a traditional putter. The long putter delivers more of a desirable pendulum motion to your stroke, due to its length.

——-Long Putter Models Below——-






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Putters Long Putters Right

Golfers suffering from the dreaded “yips” often benefit by switching to the so-called Long Putter. That’s a big reason these clubs have become so popular among both amateurs and professionals.


As the name suggests, long putters feature a lengthier shaft than either conventional or “belly” putters. Generally measuring 48-52 inches, the long putters actually work best on short putts. It’s been credited with curing many cases of the “yips” – an affliction causing golfers to miss putts of 3 feet or less – when all else has failed.

What makes the long putter so effective? When anchored to the sternum, the putter encourages a pendulum-like stroke that eliminates hand and wrist action, a key cause of “yips.” (Long putters are sometimes called “broomsticks” due to this sweeping motion.) In fact, it’s nearly impossible to make a quick, jittery stroke with a long putter.

thomas split grip

While the long putter may be gripped with the hands together in the traditional manner, many prefer to separate the hands on the shaft, anchoring the top hand against the body while guiding the club with the bottom hand.

Long putters are commonly recommended for golfers with back problems, since the added length promotes a more upright posture.

Thomas Golf Putters
Traditional, Mid-Length/Belly & Long Putters

Top Benefits of Using Long Putter:

Using a long putter, also known as a belly putter or broomstick putter, offers several benefits to golfers, particularly those struggling with their putting stroke or looking for a more stable putting method. Here are some of the top benefits:

  1. Stability and Balance: One of the primary advantages of a long putter is the increased stability it provides. By anchoring the grip against your belly or chest, you can create a more solid and balanced putting stroke. This can help eliminate the small, unwanted movements that can lead to inconsistent putting.
  2. Reduced Nervousness: The stability of a long putter can help reduce the jitters or nerves that can affect your putting performance, especially during pressure situations. With less hand and wrist movement, you may feel more confident over short putts.
  3. Consistent Setup: Long putters often promote a more consistent setup position, including the distance from the ball, posture, and alignment. This can lead to more accurate putts and better control over the ball's direction.
  4. Improved Stroke Mechanics: Using a long putter encourages a pendulum-like putting stroke, which is often more mechanically sound. This can lead to a smoother, more repeatable stroke, helping you roll the ball consistently.
  5. Reduction in Yips: The yips, a nervous or jerky movement during putting, can plague golfers and negatively impact their game. Many golfers find that a long putter minimizes the yips, as it requires less reliance on the hands and wrists.
  6. Versatility: Long putters can be used in a variety of putting techniques, such as the traditional anchored stroke, a claw grip, or the split-hand method. Golfers can experiment to find the style that works best for them.
  7. Comfort and Confidence: Some golfers simply feel more comfortable and confident when using a long putter. This psychological benefit can translate into improved performance on the green.
  8. Adaptability: Long putters can be particularly beneficial on slower greens or when you need to make longer putts. The added stability helps control the speed and direction of the ball over longer distances.
  9. Consistency Across Different Greens: With a long putter, you may find it easier to adapt to various green speeds and contours, making it a versatile choice for different golf courses.
  10. Longevity: Long putters can be less physically taxing on your body, especially your back and shoulders, which can be advantageous for golfers who experience discomfort or fatigue during putting with a conventional putter.


There are several potential benefits to using a long putter:

  • Increased stability: The longer length of the long putter can help to increase stability during the stroke. This is because the putter is more likely to stay in contact with the golfer's body, which can help to prevent it from swaying or wobbling.
  • Improved alignment: The longer length of the long putter can also help to improve alignment. This is because the golfer can use the putter to line up the ball more easily.
  • Reduced wrist movement: The long putter can help to reduce wrist movement during the stroke. This is because the golfer's hands are closer to the body, which can help to keep the wrists from breaking down.
  • Reduced yips: The long putter has been shown to be effective in reducing the yips, which is a condition that causes involuntary wrist movements during the putting stroke.

 Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to use a long putter is a personal one. There are both potential benefits and drawbacks to using a long putter, and the best way to decide is to try it out and see how it works for you.

Here are some additional things to consider when deciding whether or not to use a long putter:

  • Your putting style: If you are a golfer who tends to have a lot of wrist movement in your putting stroke, then a long putter may be a good option for you.
  • Your comfort level: If you are comfortable using a long putter, then it is more likely that you will be successful with it.
  • Your practice time: If you are willing to put in the time to practice with a long putter, then you are more likely to be successful with it.

Q&A format discussing the top benefits of using a long putter in golf:

Q: What is a long putter in golf?

A: A long putter, also known as a belly putter or broomstick putter, is a type of putter with an extended shaft that allows the golfer to anchor it against their belly or chest during the putting stroke.

Q: What are the top benefits of using a long putter in golf?

A: Some of the key benefits of using a long putter include:

  1. Increased Stability: Long putters provide enhanced stability and reduce small, unintended movements during the putting stroke.
  2. Improved Balance: They promote better balance, helping golfers maintain their posture and alignment.
  3. Reduced Nervousness: Long putters can reduce nerves and jittery movements during pressure putts.
  4. Consistent Setup: They encourage a consistent setup position, leading to more accurate putts.
  5. Enhanced Stroke Mechanics: Long putters encourage a smoother, more pendulum-like stroke, improving repeatability.
  6. Yips Reduction: Many golfers find relief from the yips, as long putters minimize hand and wrist involvement.
  7. Versatility: Long putters can be used in various putting techniques, offering adaptability to different golfers.
  8. Comfort and Confidence: Some golfers feel more comfortable and confident using a long putter.
  9. Adaptability: They can be beneficial on slower greens and for longer putts.
  10. Consistency Across Greens: Long putters make it easier to adapt to different green speeds and contours.


Q: Are long putters legal to use in golf?

A: The rules governing the use of long putters have changed over time.  The putter's shaft must not be anchored against the golfer's body above the elbow. Be sure to check the most current rules and regulations regarding the use of long putters in competitions and tournaments.

Q: Who should consider using a long putter?

A: Golfers who struggle with traditional putting strokes or the yips may benefit from trying a long putter. They can be especially useful for those seeking increased stability and balance during putts.

Q: Can long putters improve my putting performance?

A: Long putters have the potential to improve your putting performance, but the degree of improvement varies from golfer to golfer. It's essential to experiment with different putter styles, seek guidance from a golf professional, and practice to determine what works best for your game.

Q: What factors should I consider when choosing between a long putter and a traditional putter?

A: When choosing between a long putter and a traditional putter, consider your personal preferences, putting style, comfort level, and the specific challenges you face on the greens. Additionally, be aware of any rules and regulations that apply to long putters in competitive play.

Q: Are there any disadvantages to using a long putter?

A: While long putters offer advantages, they may not be suitable for every golfer. Some golfers may find it challenging to adapt to the longer shaft, and there may be limitations in certain putting situations, such as very short putts or extremely fast greens. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons and make an informed decision based on your individual needs and preferences.

Ultimately, whether you should use a long putter or a traditional putter depends on your personal preferences, putting style, and the specific challenges you face on the greens. Experimenting with different putters and seeking guidance from a golf professional can help you determine which option works best for your game.