Getting on Track to Eliminate Your SliceThere are a few big changes you are going to need to make if you are going to eliminate the slice from your game. We aren’t here to say that these changes are going to be easy – most likely, they won’t be. However, if you put in the work on the driving range to make them a reality, you should see your ball flight begin to straighten out.

The slice is a common issue that plagues many golfers, causing the ball to curve dramatically from left to right (for right-handed golfers). It can be frustrating and lead to inconsistent shots and lost distance. However, with the right techniques and practice, you can get on track to eliminate your slice and improve your overall ball flight. Here are some key points to help you on your journey:

  1. Grip: One of the primary causes of a slice is an incorrect grip. Ensure that your grip is neutral and not too strong or too weak. A neutral grip allows for better control and reduces the chances of an open clubface at impact, which contributes to the slice. Work with a golf professional to check and adjust your grip if necessary.
  2. Alignment: Proper alignment is crucial in eliminating a slice. Many slicers aim their body and clubface to the left of the target, creating an out-to-in swing path that promotes the slice. Align your feet, hips, and shoulders parallel to the target line to encourage an inside-to-out swing path, which helps square the clubface at impact.
  3. Swing Path: The swing path is a key factor in controlling the ball flight. To eliminate the slice, focus on swinging from inside to out, with the clubhead approaching the ball on a shallow plane. This path promotes a draw or straight shot rather than a slice. Practice drills that promote an inside-to-out swing path, such as swinging along an alignment stick or focusing on the feeling of swinging to the right of the target.
  4. Weight Transfer: Proper weight transfer is essential for a consistent and efficient swing. Many slicers struggle with weight distribution, often keeping too much weight on their back foot during the downswing. Ensure that your weight shifts to your front foot as you approach impact, promoting a more neutral clubface position and a better swing path.
  5. Body Rotation: A lack of body rotation can contribute to a slice. Ensure that your upper body rotates through the swing, allowing your arms and hands to release the club naturally. Avoid an over-reliance on the hands and wrists to generate power, as this can lead to an open clubface and a slice. Practice drills that promote proper body rotation, such as the “big turn” drill, where you focus on rotating your shoulders and hips fully.
  6. Clubface Control: Maintaining control of the clubface throughout the swing is vital in eliminating a slice. Focus on squaring the clubface at impact and keeping it square through the impact zone. Avoid an open clubface position at the top of your backswing, as this can lead to a slice. Practice drills that promote clubface control, such as hitting punch shots with a square clubface.
  7. Practice and Patience: Eliminating a slice takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and focus on making gradual improvements in your swing mechanics. Regular practice, combined with focused drills and repetition, will help you ingrain the correct swing path and clubface position, leading to straighter shots.
  8. Seek Professional Help: If you're struggling to eliminate your slice, consider working with a golf professional who can provide personalized instruction and guidance. They can analyze your swing, identify specific issues, and provide you with tailored drills and exercises to address your slice. A professional can also help you develop a practice plan to reinforce the correct swing mechanics.

Remember, eliminating a slice requires a commitment to practice and a willingness to make changes in your swing. Focus on the fundamentals, stay patient, and be open to seeking professional help when needed. With persistence and the right approach, you can get on track to eliminate your slice and enjoy more consistent, straighter shots on the golf course.

The following list includes three keys which should help move your swing in the right direction.

  • Start the downswing with the lower body. This is essential. When your backswing is complete, the first thing that should move toward the target is the lower body. As the club is arriving at the top, even slightly before it has arrived at the top, you can start to uncoil your hips toward the target.
  • You aren’t going to be sliding to the left – you should just be rotating your hips open while remaining nicely balanced. If you can make this move while allowing your hands – and the club – to stay back, you will really be onto something.
  • This is the move that most amateur golfers fail to master. Not only is this a great way to move away from the slice pattern, but it should also help you to add distance to your shots.
  • Use a wide takeaway. For this second point, we are going to backtrack a bit and talk about an earlier phase of the swing. When your swing is just getting started, be sure to keep the club on a wide arc as you use your shoulders to turn back away from the target.
  • All too often, amateur golfers will use their hands to complete the takeaway, which is going to cause the club to come in too close to the body on the way back. With a narrow backswing, you will have little choice but to come ‘over the top’ as you transition into the downswing. This is going to lead to an outside-in swing path, and probably a slice.
  • Stay back. As you swing down toward the ball, focus on keeping your head back while your body turns through the shot and the club fires into impact.
  • Think about it this way – on most of your shots, you want your head to be slightly behind the position of the ball when contact is made. If you are allowing your head to drift to the left of the ball, your entire body is sure to be sliding that way as well.
  • When that happens, you will again be prone to swinging across the ball from outside-in. Do your best to keep your head relatively still while the rest of your body rotates through the shot to send the ball on its way.

Nothing included in the list above sounds particularly daunting, but those are actually some significant changes that will need to be made to your technique. Specifically, the act of starting your downswing with your lower body instead of your upper body is going to be quite awkward at first. If you are going to succeed, you’ll need to be willing to deal with some struggles on the range until you start to see things come together.


Q1: What is a slice in golf, and why is it a common issue for golfers? A1: A slice is a shot that curves severely from left to right for a right-handed golfer (opposite for left-handed golfers). It is common due to an open clubface at impact and an out-to-in swing path.

Q2: How can a golfer identify if they have a slice? A2: A slice is evident when the ball starts left of the target and curves to the right, missing the target significantly.

Q3: What are the main causes of a slice? A3: The two main causes of a slice are an open clubface and an over-the-top swing path.

Q4: What adjustments can a golfer make to fix their slice? A4: A golfer can close the clubface at address and work on a more inside-to-out swing path to fix their slice.

Q5: How important is grip pressure in fixing a slice? A5: Grip pressure affects the clubface's control, so finding the right grip pressure is crucial in fixing a slice.

Q6: Should a golfer change their grip to fix a slice? A6: Yes, adjusting the grip to promote a more neutral or stronger grip can help eliminate a slice.

Q7: Can a golfer use alignment aids to address their slice? A7: Alignment aids like alignment sticks can be helpful in ensuring a golfer's setup is correct to eliminate a slice.

Q8: How can a golfer improve their swing path to prevent a slice? A8: Practicing swing drills that promote an inside-to-out path can help eliminate a slice.

Q9: Can a golfer benefit from video analysis to fix their slice? A9: Yes, video analysis can provide valuable feedback on swing mechanics and help make necessary adjustments.

Q10: Should a golfer focus on fixing the slice entirely on their own, or seek professional help? A10: Seeking professional help from a golf coach can accelerate the process of fixing a slice and ensure proper adjustments are made.

Q11: Is it normal to experience frustration while working on eliminating a slice? A11: Yes, fixing a slice requires patience and consistent practice, which can be challenging but rewarding in the end.

Q12: Can playing with golfers who have fixed their slice be beneficial for learning? A12: Yes, playing with experienced golfers can offer insights and inspiration to improve one's swing.

Q13: How important is maintaining a positive mental attitude when working on eliminating a slice? A13: A positive mental attitude is crucial in overcoming challenges and staying committed to fixing a slice.

Q14: What role does the stance and ball position play in fixing a slice? A14: Proper stance width and ball position can help promote a better swing path and eliminate a slice.

Q15: Can a golfer benefit from using training aids designed to fix a slice? A15: Training aids that provide feedback on swing path and clubface alignment can be useful in fixing a slice.

Q16: Should a golfer focus solely on fixing their slice, or work on other aspects of their game simultaneously? A16: It is beneficial to work on other aspects of the game as well, but addressing the slice should be a priority.

Q17: How long does it take to eliminate a slice with consistent practice and effort? A17: The time required to fix a slice varies from golfer to golfer, but consistent practice and commitment will yield results.

Q18: Can physical limitations contribute to a slice? A18: Yes, physical limitations like lack of flexibility or strength can affect swing mechanics and contribute to a slice.

Q19: Can using impact tape on the clubface provide valuable feedback in fixing a slice? A19: Impact tape can show where the ball contacts the clubface, helping a golfer understand the club's position at impact.

Q20: Can fixing a slice lead to improved overall golf performance? A20: Yes, eliminating a slice improves shot consistency, accuracy, and distance, leading to improved overall performance on the course.