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What Does A Reverse Pivot Mean In Golf And Is It ImportantIt is extremely important to transfer your weight correctly if you want to achieve effective and consistent golf shots.

A reverse pivot in golf means exactly that. You are pivoting around a fixed point but in a reverse way to what is actually correct. The point that you are pivoting around is your spine angle that you have set during your address of the golf ball. As you are rotating around your spine, if you reverse pivot you place more weight on your front foot, your left foot if you are a right handed golfer, instead of transferring your weight on to your right foot, which is correct.

If you transfer your weight on to your back foot on your back swing and then transfer it on to your front foot through impact and into your follow through, then you will create the maximum amount of club head speed in the club head and as this strikes the golf ball, you will hit your shots with maximum distance.
However, if you reverse pivot during your golf swing and your weight moves on to your front foot on your back swing and then moves on to your back foot as you swing through impact and in to your follow through, your body movement is working against the direction that you are swinging the golf club in and as a consequence of this you will not strike the golf ball as far.

A reverse pivot not only influences the distance that you can hit your golf ball, but it also affects the consistency of your strike. As your weight is moving to the right as you are hitting the golf ball, your centre of gravity will also be moving to the right of the golf ball. The effect of this is that the bottom of your swing arc, or the lowest point for the club head during your swing, will move to the right of the golf ball. If this happens, the club head will strike the ground before it strikes the golf ball and you will hit a fat golf shot, where the ball is hit short of the target as the ground takes the speed of the club head strike, rather than the golf ball.

To achieve maximum shot distance and a consistently clean and crisp strike, it is extremely important to learn to transfer your weight correctly and to eliminate any reverse pivot action from your golf swing.

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A reverse pivot is an extremely important issue in your golf swing because it will massively effect the distance that you are able to hit the golf ball. If your weight is moving in the opposite direction to the movement in the club head, you will never hit the ball as far as you could if your weight moves in the same direction that club head does.

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A reverse pivot sees your weight moving incorrectly in your golf swing. Instead of your weight shifting to the right (for right handed golfers) on your back swing and then to the left on your down swing and follow through, it actually moves the opposite and incorrect way, to the left then to the right.

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A reverse pivot sees a golfers weight transferring incorrectly during their swing. As the club swings back, the golfers weight moves on to their front foot and then as a consequence of this, as the club swings down and through impact, the golfers weight moves on to their back foot, causing a loss of power and connection issues.