Fat shot

The Golf Term “Fat Shot”

When it comes to golf, there are various terms and phrases that describe different shots and techniques. One such term is the “fat shot,” which refers to a type of shot that golfers try to avoid. Let's dive into what exactly a fat shot is and how it affects your game.


The term “fat shot” is commonly used in golf to describe a shot where the club strikes the ground before making contact with the ball. This results in the ball not traveling the desired distance or direction, often leading to less power and accuracy. When a fat shot occurs, the club digs into the turf, causing the golfer to hit the ground behind the ball.

Causes of a Fat Shot

  • Incorrect weight transfer: One of the main reasons for a fat shot is inadequate weight transfer during the swing. If your weight is distributed too much on your back foot at impact, it can lead to striking the ground before the ball.
  • Improper ball position: Placing the ball too far back in your stance can also result in fat shots. When the ball is positioned too far back, it becomes more challenging to strike the ball cleanly, often resulting in hitting the ground first.
  • Overactive lower body: When there is an excessive lateral or forward movement in your lower body during the downswing, it can cause your clubhead to strike the ground behind the ball.
  • Lack of body rotation: If your body fails to rotate properly through the swing, it can lead to an early release of the club, causing it to hit the ground before making contact with the ball.

Consequences of a Fat Shot

Executing a fat shot can have several negative consequences:

  • Reduced distance: Hitting the ground before the ball robs your shot of power, resulting in reduced distance.
  • Lack of control: It becomes challenging to control the direction of the shot when the club strikes the turf first instead of the ball.
  • Inconsistent shots: Consistency in golf is crucial, and executing fat shots can lead to inconsistent performance.
  • Loss of confidence: Repeatedly hitting fat shots can dent a golfer's confidence and impact their overall game.

Preventing Fat Shots

To minimize the occurrence of fat shots:

  • Ensure proper weight transfer by shifting your weight onto your front foot during the downswing.
  • Pay attention to ball position. Experiment with different ball positions to find the one that works best for you.
  • Maintain proper body rotation through the swing to prevent early release of the club.
  • Practice your swing tempo and rhythm to avoid overactive lower body movements.

Understanding the term “fat shot” and its causes is essential in improving your golf game. By identifying the reasons behind fat shots and implementing appropriate techniques to prevent them, you can become a more consistent and confident golfer.