When it comes to hitting higher drives, your setup and distance from the golf ball play a crucial role. Standing closer to the ball can help promote a higher launch angle and maximize your distance off the tee. Here's why and how to stand closer to the golf ball for higher drives: The Golf Key to Hitting Higher Drives Consistently

  1. Increased Angle of Attack: By standing closer to the ball, you can create a steeper angle of attack. A steeper angle of attack allows you to catch the ball on the upswing, promoting a higher launch and more carry distance. This is particularly beneficial for hitting high drives.
  2. Improved Center of Gravity Control: Standing closer to the ball helps you maintain better control over your center of gravity throughout the swing. It allows you to stay more centered and balanced, which is crucial for generating power and achieving a consistent strike.

Here's how to stand closer to the ball for higher drives:

  1. Adjust Your Stance Width: Start by narrowing your stance slightly. Bringing your feet closer together allows you to stand closer to the ball naturally. Experiment with different stance widths to find the most comfortable and effective position for you.
  2. Bend from the Hips: When addressing the ball, make sure to bend from the hips and maintain a slight knee flex. This will help you get closer to the ball without compromising your posture or balance. Keep your back straight and maintain a neutral spine position.
  3. Move Your Hands Closer: Position your hands slightly closer to your body at address. This will naturally bring you closer to the ball and allow you to swing on a steeper angle of attack. Keep your hands relaxed and ensure they are positioned just ahead of the ball.
  4. Maintain Proper Ball Position: While standing closer to the ball, it's essential to maintain the correct ball position. For drives, position the ball just inside your front heel. This ensures that you make contact with the ball on the upswing, promoting a higher launch.
  5. Practice with Different Clubs: Experiment with different clubs to find the optimal distance from the ball for higher drives. Each golfer's setup and swing characteristics may vary, so it's essential to practice and find what works best for you.
  6. Seek Professional Guidance: Working with a golf instructor can provide valuable feedback and guidance on your setup and distance from the ball. They can assess your swing and make necessary adjustments to help you stand closer to the ball effectively.

Remember, standing closer to the ball is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it may not work for every golfer. It's crucial to experiment, practice, and find the setup that allows you to hit higher drives consistently. Additionally, maintaining a balanced and athletic posture throughout your swing is essential for generating power and achieving optimal results.

Q: How can I consistently hit higher drives off the tee? A: To hit higher drives consistently, focus on the following key factors:

  1. Tee Height: Tee the ball higher than usual to promote a higher launch angle.
  2. Ball Position: Place the ball slightly forward in your stance to encourage an upward strike at impact.
  3. Swing Path: Swing the club on a more upward path through the impact zone, avoiding a steep downward strike.
  4. Angle of Attack: Aim to have a positive angle of attack, hitting up on the ball at impact.
  5. Club Selection: Consider using a driver with a higher loft to add more launch angle to your drives.


Q: How can I achieve a more upward swing path to hit higher drives? A: To achieve an upward swing path, focus on making a shallower backswing and transition to the downswing. Feel like you're sweeping the ball off the tee, rather than hitting down on it aggressively.

Q: Will swinging up on the ball cause me to lose distance? A: No, swinging up on the ball with a positive angle of attack can actually increase your distance. It allows the driver's loft to launch the ball higher, leading to a more optimal trajectory.

Q: What role does weight shift play in hitting higher drives? A: Proper weight shift is crucial for hitting higher drives. Shift your weight to your back foot during the backswing and transfer it to your front foot during the downswing to create an ascending strike.

Q: Should I adjust my grip to hit higher drives? A: While grip adjustments are not directly related to hitting higher drives, a neutral grip can promote a more consistent and repeatable swing, which can help with consistency in hitting higher drives.

Q: Can hitting higher drives help me carry hazards and reach greens more easily? A: Yes, hitting higher drives can help you carry hazards and reach greens more easily. A higher launch angle with less spin can lead to longer carry distances and more distance overall.

Q: How can I improve my launch angle and reduce spin for higher drives? A: Work on improving your angle of attack and making solid contact with the center of the clubface. This can reduce backspin and launch the ball higher.

Q: Should I use a different driver for hitting higher drives? A: If your current driver has a low loft, consider trying a driver with a higher loft to launch the ball higher. However, a proper swing technique is crucial for achieving higher drives consistently.

Q: Can I practice hitting higher drives on the range? A: Yes, practice hitting higher drives on the range by focusing on your setup, swing path, and angle of attack. Use alignment sticks or visual aids to help with the upward swing path.

Q: How can I maintain consistency with hitting higher drives? A: Consistency comes with practice and repetition. Develop a solid pre-shot routine and focus on the fundamentals to build muscle memory for hitting higher drives more consistently.