When faced with long-distance putts on the golf course, it can be challenging to gauge the right speed and line to give yourself a chance at sinking the putt. However, with the right approach and technique, you can improve your chances of successful long-distance putting. Here are some key tips to help you putt from long distance:

  1. Assess the Green: Before attempting a long-distance putt, take the time to assess the slope and contours of the green. Look for any uphill or downhill sections that may affect the speed and break of the putt. Understanding the green's characteristics will help you make more accurate judgments when it comes to speed and line.
  2. Focus on Distance Control: Long-distance putts require a primary focus on distance control rather than trying to hole the putt. Your goal should be to get the ball close to the hole, setting up a manageable next putt. Focus on getting the speed right, as distance control is crucial for lag putting.
  3. Backstroke Length: When faced with a long putt, lengthen your backstroke to generate more power and distance. The longer backstroke allows for a smoother acceleration through the ball, giving you better control over the speed of the putt. Experiment with different backstroke lengths during practice to find the right feel.
  4. Smooth Tempo: Maintain a smooth and consistent tempo throughout the putting stroke. Avoid any sudden jerks or changes in speed, as they can lead to inconsistent contact and direction. Practice maintaining a rhythmic tempo, even when faced with long-distance putts.
  5. Read the Green: Take the time to read the green and assess the slope and break of the putt. While long-distance putts are less likely to break significantly, there may still be subtle slopes that affect the ball's path. Pay attention to any visible contours or use your green reading skills to make an accurate assessment.
  6. Visualize the Roll: Visualize the roll of the putt before addressing the ball. Imagine the ball rolling along the intended line and visualize it stopping near the hole. This mental imagery can help you establish a clearer picture of the putt, improving your focus and confidence.
  7. Practice Lag Putting: Regularly practice lag putting from long distances to develop a better feel for distance control. Set up a practice area where you can practice long-distance putts and focus on getting the ball close to the hole rather than holing it. This practice will improve your overall touch and help you become more comfortable with longer putts on the course.
  8. Use a Putter with Proper Weight and Balance: Choosing the right putter can make a difference when it comes to long-distance putting. Opt for a putter with a balanced weight distribution that suits your stroke. Experiment with different putters to find one that feels comfortable and promotes a smooth stroke for long-distance putts.
  9. Maintain a Steady Head: Keep your head steady and avoid excessive movement during the putting stroke. Any unnecessary head movement can disrupt your balance and affect the accuracy of your stroke. Focus on keeping your head still and your eyes fixed on the back of the ball throughout the stroke.
  10. Practice Distance Control Drills: Incorporate distance control drills into your practice routine. Set up markers at various distances and practice getting the ball to stop within a specific zone around the hole. This type of focused practice will improve your ability to judge and control the distance of long putts.

Remember, putting from long distance is primarily about getting the ball close to the hole and setting up an easier next putt. By focusing on distance control, maintaining a smooth tempo, and practicing regularly, you can become more proficient at lag putting and improve your overall performance on the greens