Bernhard Langer, a highly accomplished professional golfer, is known for his distinctive golf club grip style. Here are some key characteristics of Bernhard Langer's grip:

  1. Overlapping Grip:
    • Langer employs the overlapping grip, also known as the Vardon grip, which is the most commonly used grip among professional golfers.
    • In the overlapping grip, the pinky finger of the trailing hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) rests on top of the gap between the index and middle fingers of the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers).
  2. Firm Grip Pressure:
    • Langer emphasizes a firm grip pressure, which helps him maintain control and stability throughout his swing.
    • While the grip pressure is firm, it is important to avoid squeezing the club too tightly, as it can restrict fluidity and cause tension in the swing. Langer's grip strikes a balance between firmness and maintaining a relaxed feel.
  3. Neutral Grip Alignment:
    • Langer adopts a neutral grip alignment, where the hands are positioned in a way that the V formed between the thumb and index finger of each hand points towards the center of the body.
    • This neutral grip helps promote a square clubface at impact, allowing for more consistent and accurate ball striking.
  4. Langer's Grip Preference:
    • Langer prefers a grip that feels comfortable and provides him with a sense of control and connection to the club.
    • Like many professional golfers, Langer's grip style is a result of years of experience, experimentation, and personal preference. It is important for each golfer to find a grip that suits their hand size, swing style, and overall comfort.
  5. Individual Variation:
    • It's important to note that grip preferences can vary among golfers, and what works for Langer may not be suitable for everyone.
    • Golfers should experiment with different grip styles and seek professional guidance to find a grip that best suits their needs and allows them to maximize their performance on the course.

Bernhard Langer's grip style is a key component of his overall technique, and it has contributed to his success as a golfer.

Here are some key points about Bernhard Langer's long putter grip:

  1. Anchored or Extended Grip:
    • Langer used an anchored or extended grip with the long putter, where a portion of the putter shaft rested against a part of his body, typically the sternum or the belly.
    • The anchoring technique helps to stabilize the hands, wrists, and arms during the putting stroke, reducing unwanted movements and promoting a smoother stroke.
    • Update: Langer has also changed from anchored style to using a long putter without anchoring to stay within the new rules.
  2. Claw Grip Variation:
    • Langer often employed a variation of the claw grip with the long putter. This grip involved gripping the putter with the left hand (for right-handed golfers) in a traditional manner, while the right hand took on a claw-like position with the fingers extended and separated.
    • The claw grip variation helped Langer maintain control and stability with the long putter, especially when combined with the anchored or extended grip.
  3. Stability and Consistency:
    • The purpose of Langer's long putter grip was to enhance stability and consistency in his putting stroke. By anchoring the putter against his body and using the claw grip variation, he minimized the influence of hand and wrist movements, resulting in a more repeatable and reliable stroke.
  4. Comfort and Confidence:
    • Langer's grip with the long putter provided him with a comfortable and confident setup on the greens. The anchored grip and claw grip variation allowed him to maintain a consistent grip pressure and a steady stroke rhythm, which contributed to his success as a putter.
  5. Rules Changes and Adaptation:
    • It's worth noting that the rules regarding anchored or extended grips have changed in recent years, and their use is now prohibited in many competitive events.
    • Langer, like many other golfers who previously used anchored putters, made the transition to a conventional putter grip and stroke when the rules changed. He adapted his game and continued to be successful on the greens with the new technique.

It's important to remember that Bernhard Langer's long putter grip and technique suited his game and personal preferences. Every golfer is unique, and finding a putting grip and stroke that feels comfortable and promotes consistency is crucial. Experimenting with different grip styles and seeking guidance from a golf professional can help you determine the grip that works best for you and your putting game within the rules of golf.