How can I stop hitting my iron shots fat?

    1. How can I stop hitting my iron shots fat?

    If you said right, therein lies your problem. A failure to transfer weight from right to left will severely curtail your power and, in effect, move the bottom of your swing arc to a point behind the ball. Thats why the club slams into the ground before it strikes the ball. Ideally, about 75-80% of your weight should be on your left foot at impact. If youre thinking this will cause the swing to bottom out beyond the ball, youre right. And thats exactly what you want. After all, the average PGA Tour pros swing typically reaches bottom some 3-4” past the ball on iron shots.

    How Can Shoulder Alignment Affect My Golf Shot?

    2. How Can Shoulder Alignment Affect My Golf Shot?

    The direction that the club head is travelling in as it impacts with the ball, or your swing path, influences the accuracy of your golf shot and the type of shot that you see produced. With the club head travelling straight along the target line and with the club face aiming straight down the target line, you will produce a straight and highly accurate golf shot. Its absolutely crucial to have your shoulders aligned correctly as you swing the club head parallel to this alignment and this influences the direction that you will hit the ball in.

    How Can The Width Of My Stance Effect The Length Of My Swing?

    3. How Can The Width Of My Stance Effect The Length Of My Swing?

    A wider stance means that you will be able to make a fuller swing as you have a firmer base and a more balanced base to move from. As the length of your golf club increases, so should your stance width until your stance is about shoulder width apart when you swing your driver. The longer the shaft of the club, the wider the club head will swing around you and as you swing on a wider arc, the more time you have available to pick speed up in the club head. The faster you swing the golf club head, the further you will hit the golf ball, as more speed will transfer from the club head into the ball at impact and as a result the ball will travel further.

    What Position Should My Left Arm Be As I Address The Golf Ball?

    4. What Position Should My Left Arm Be As I Address The Golf Ball?

    Extending your left arm fully through your back swing and down swing will allow you to create the widest possible swing arc. This simply means that the club head will travel on the widest circle around your body. This is really important if you want to generate maximum power, as the widest swing arc allows you to swing the club head for the maximum amount of time to generate speed. This speed is then transferred from the club head into the ball through impact and as a result it generates distance for your golf shots. Returning your left arm back to impact in a fully extended position also then allows you to extend your right arm through impact and this action adds further club head speed and distance to your golf shots.

    What Should I Adjust When I Play Golf In The Wind?

    5. What Should I Adjust When I Play Golf In The Wind?

    If you hit the ball as high as you usually would when there is no wind, then obviously the wind is going to influence the ball as the ball goes up and into it. If you are playing into the wind, it makes it very difficult to get the ball through it and if you are playing in a cross wind, the ball is going to get blown either over to the left or over to the right, depending on which way the wind is blowing. Playing with the wind will make the ball fly much further than usual. So the wind will really influence the ball once it is off the ground. The best way to approach playing, when playing in the wind, is to hit deliberately low shots, or punch shots, where you are working on keeping a very low trajectory to the golf shot. In order to do this, you need to alter a few things at set up.

    How Can I Stop An Arms Only Golf Swing?

    6. How Can I Stop An Arms Only Golf Swing?

    The golf swing should be a circular action that uses the bigger parts of the body such as the shoulders, core and hips. Using only the smaller parts of the body such as the arms and wrists produces less power as the muscles are smaller and therefore, less club head speed is generated. In a powerful golf swing, every part of the body is connected and works together to power the shot. Follow this exercise to connect your golf swing and swing with the shoulders and hips. The goal during the golf swing is to keep the hands directly opposite the centre of the chest (sternum) for the duration of the swing.

    How can I stop hitting shots off the clubs heel?

    7. How can I stop hitting shots off the clubs heel?

    While less common than hitting shots off the clubs toe (the end farthest from the shaft), heel shots still plague a wide range of golfers. Shots struck on this part of the club lack distance and accuracy. They also send an unpleasant, clunky sensation into the hands and – worst of all – can be a signal that the dreaded shanks are coming soon. Heres the good news: Usually, fixing heel shots is a simple matter of adjusting your address. Thats where the typical causes – standing too close to the ball, slack or sagging arms, and excess weight on the toes of your feet – are rooted.

    Golf Question: What Are Offset Irons And How Can They Improve My Golf?

    8. Golf Question: What Are Offset Irons And How Can They Improve My Golf?

    When you hit an iron shot, you want your hands leading the club face. The design of the offset irons puts you in a hands leading the club face position at address which helps promote this position during impact. The main principle of an offset iron is to aid players who have a tendency to slice the golf ball. A slice is caused when the club face is open compared to the direction the club head is travelling in at impact. So how does an offset iron help straighten out a slice?

    How Can Ensure I Get A Fast And Accurate Release Pattern Of The Golf Club?

    9. How Can Ensure I Get A Fast And Accurate Release Pattern Of The Golf Club?

    In order to achieve a fast and accurate release, you initially need to understand how to release the club correctly and the position that the club needs to be in to do this. On your down swing, you need to pull the handle of the golf club down with your left arm, if you are a right handed golfer. The club needs to be pulled down to hip high so that the shaft of the golf club is parallel to the ground and also parallel to the target line with your hips rotated towards the target. This is the position to create to then release the club head from into and through the golf ball, as fast as you can, to create maximum club head speed as the club face strikes the golf ball.

    How Can Hip Alignment Effect My Golf Shot?

    10. How Can Hip Alignment Effect My Golf Shot?

    In order to improve your accuracy when out on the golf course, work on achieving the correct hip alignment position in your address position. To do this place an alignment pole on the floor where you are going to strike the ball from, so that it is pointing at the target. You now need to set up with your toes parallel to this line, so place another alignment pole (or club) on the floor parallel to the first pole and on the side that you will stand. Set up so your toes are parallel to this.