
The Golf Term “Pull”

The golf term “pull” refers to a shot that flies straight left (for a right-handed golfer) of the intended target line without any curve to the right. It is a common miss for many golfers and can be frustrating to deal with. Understanding the causes and how to correct a pull can greatly improve your golf game.

Causes of a Pull

  • Alignment: One of the most common causes of a pull is poor alignment. If you are aiming left of the target, your ball is likely to go in that direction. Make sure to align yourself properly before every shot by picking a target and setting up your body parallel to it.
  • Grip: Another cause of a pull can be an incorrect grip. If your grip is too strong, meaning your hands are rotated too far to the right (for a right-handed golfer), it can encourage a pull. Check your grip and make sure your hands are positioned neutrally to help eliminate any unwanted pulls.
  • Swing Path: A poor swing path can also lead to a pull. If your swing path is too much to the left (an “out-to-in” path), it can cause the ball to start left and continue on that line. Focus on swinging on an inside-to-out path to help correct this issue.
  • Weight Distribution: Incorrect weight distribution can impact your swing and lead to a pull. If your weight is too much on your toes or favoring your lead foot, it can cause your upper body to tilt left at impact, resulting in a pull. Make sure your weight is properly balanced throughout your swing.

Correcting a Pull

Now that we have discussed the causes of a pull let's explore some tips for correcting it:

  • Check Alignment: Ensure that you are properly aligned with the target. Use alignment aids or take a few practice swings to check your alignment before hitting each shot.
  • Adjust Grip: Evaluate your grip and make adjustments if necessary. If your grip is too strong, try to weaken it slightly by rotating your hands to a more neutral position.
  • Focus on Swing Path: Work on swinging on an inside-to-out path. Practice drills such as placing a tee or alignment stick just outside the target line to encourage the correct swing path.
  • Pay Attention to Weight Distribution: Ensure that your weight is properly balanced throughout your swing. Practice drills that help you maintain a centered and balanced position, such as swinging with your feet close together.

Remember that correcting a pull takes time and practice. It's important to be patient and persistent in your efforts to improve your swing mechanics.

By understanding the causes of a pull and implementing these corrective measures, you can start hitting more accurate shots and reduce the frustration of pulling the ball off the target line.