cross-handed-putting-grip term

The cross-handed putting grip, also known as the left-hand-low putting grip, is a golf term that refers to a putting grip style where the hands are positioned opposite to their traditional placement on the grip. In the cross-handed grip, the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) is placed lower on the grip, while the trail hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) is placed higher.

Here are a few key points about the cross-handed putting grip:

  1. Grip Alignment: In the cross-handed grip, the lead hand (left hand for right-handed golfers) is positioned lower on the putter grip than the trail hand (right hand for right-handed golfers). This grip alignment is the reverse of the traditional putting grip, where the lead hand is higher on the grip.
  2. Purpose: The cross-handed grip is often used to promote a more stable and consistent putting stroke. By placing the lead hand lower on the grip, it can help eliminate excessive wrist movement and encourage a more pendulum-like motion with the putter.
  3. Stability and Control: The cross-handed grip can provide golfers with increased stability and control over the putter face. The grip style can help reduce unwanted wrist action and promote a smoother stroke, leading to improved accuracy and distance control.
  4. Adjustments and Transition: Switching to the cross-handed grip may require some adjustment and practice for golfers who are accustomed to a traditional grip. The transition may feel different initially, but with practice, golfers can become comfortable and confident with the cross-handed grip.
  5. Personal Preference: The choice of putting grip is ultimately a matter of personal preference. While some golfers find success and improved performance with the cross-handed grip, others may prefer the traditional grip or other grip styles. Golfers should experiment and find the grip that suits their individual stroke and comfort level.

The cross-handed putting grip, or left-hand-low grip, is a technique used by some golfers to enhance their putting stroke's stability and consistency. By altering the hand positioning on the grip, golfers can promote a more controlled and repeatable stroke. As with any aspect of the game, it's important for golfers to experiment, practice, and find the putting grip that works best for their game.

Cross-Handed Putting Grip (aka Left-Hand-Low): A method of holding the putter which places the hands opposite the position of a conventional grip. For right-handers, a cross-handed grip places the left hand below the right.


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