chilli dip term


In golf, the term “chili dip” refers to an undesirable shot where the golfer hits the ground behind the ball before making contact, resulting in a short and often poorly struck shot. It is also known as a “chunk” or a “fat shot.”

Here are a few key points about the chili dip in golf:

  1. Cause: The chili dip typically occurs when the golfer makes excessive contact with the ground behind the ball. It can be caused by various factors, such as improper weight transfer, a steep or downward angle of attack, or a breakdown in swing mechanics.
  2. Consequences: When the club strikes the ground before the ball, the clubhead slows down, resulting in a loss of distance and control. The ball may not travel the intended distance and may come up short of the target. Additionally, the shot may have a low trajectory and lack the desired spin.
  3. Correction: To avoid chili dip shots, golfers should focus on making proper contact with the ball. Key aspects to address include maintaining a balanced setup, ensuring a shallow or sweeping angle of attack, and making a smooth, controlled swing. Practicing with proper weight transfer, ball position, and maintaining a consistent tempo can also help eliminate chili dip shots.
  4. Professional Instruction: Working with a golf instructor or professional can be beneficial in diagnosing and correcting the chili dip. They can analyze your swing, identify the underlying causes, and provide specific drills and exercises to improve your ball-striking consistency.

Practicing proper technique and developing a consistent swing motion can help minimize chili dip shots and improve the overall quality of your golf shots. It's important to be patient and persistent in your practice to gradually eliminate this common swing error.

Chili Dip: Slang for a short shot (chip or pitch) on which the clubhead hits the ground before the ball (“fat”).